The story centers around a social worker who, investigating the mysterious disappearance of two children, discovers that his family might also be in danger. Ignoring the warnings of a mother suspected of violence against minors, a social worker and his children are projected into a frightening supernatural world. When she notices some strange likenesses between a case in which she works and a frightening situation that disturbs her own family, she begins to investigate the story of a Mexican folk character known as La Llorona. In a crazy crisis of jealousy, La Llorona drowned his children, then, devastated by pain, threw himself into the turbulent river. Hidden in the shadows, Llorana attacks the children, desperate to replace their own children. Over the centuries, her methods have become more and more frightening. Their only hope of surviving the deadly wrath of this may be a disillusioned priest and the mysticism he practices to keep evil away.