After a terrible accident in which their son lost his life, Rachel and Anthony decide to move to the other side of the world and focus on their surviving twin son, Elliot. They hope to start over in rural Scandinavia, and what begins as a time of emotional recovery and healing in isolation turns into a battle for their child’s soul when an entity claiming to be their deceased son take control of Elliot...
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In the not too distant future, humanity takes a giant leap towards evolution and learns to adapt to the new synthetic environment. This evolution moves people from their natural habitat and throws them into metamorphosis, which alters their biological construction. While some enjoy the unlimited potential of transhumanism, others try to control it. In any case, Accelerated Evolution Syndrome begins to spread rapidly among humans. Saul Tenser is a beloved artist who takes full advantage of the new situation. Together with his partner Caprice, Tenser stages some strange and, in some places, macabre artistic acts...
Read more ...This movie is a story about a forbidden love between two teenage girls. The story begins with Mary, who is in prison and blindfolded, being questioned by a local police officer about the crimes she is allegedly committing. Then we go into the not too distant past and find out the details of the case: Mary began an affair with her family’s maid, Eleanor, after a sapphic book was brought home...
Read more ...Hiding for several years in a secluded cabin, Norman Nordstrom has in a way adopted a little girl whom he raises on his own and instructs her to be a survivor in difficult times. The girl’s entire family was killed in a fire that destroyed their home, and the girl was found by Norman and taken with him to raise her. The two lead an isolated existence, having limited contact with the outside world, but she begins to want to explore other beauties that life offers, not just to live in isolation and train every day for survival...
Read more ...More than a year before the events of the first part of the film, the Abbott family participates in a baseball match of their son, Marcus. In the middle of the match, the astonished spectators look at the sky at an object descending to Earth. When people try to leave in a hurry, the city is attacked by hostile alien creatures who possess skin like armor and extraordinary strength and speed. These creatures cannot see, but they have extremely fine hearing and are guided by sounds to find and attack victims. To date, these creatures have killed most of the world’s population, including Lee Abbott, who sacrificed himself to save his family. Their deaf daughter, Regan, has discovered a radio frequency that can incapacitate creatures...
Read more ...Babysitter Josie is hired to take care of a little girl named Sophia while her parents are away for a Christmas party. To the surprise of the two, the parents return earlier because the party was boring. Josie has already ordered a pizza and the family tells the young woman that she may stay a while to eat together. Meanwhile, her parents and some friends start drinking, and little Sophie is still in Josie’s care. When someone rings the doorbell, everyone thinks it’s the pizza courier, but to their horror there’s an armed intruder who bursts in and, along with two other accomplices, take everyone hostage and start a macabre game...
Read more ...One night in 1989, Dylan Jacobs, a dumb boy with asthma, finds his mother crying in the kitchen with a lighted candle nearby. In the fall of the same year, Dylan and his father moved into a new house. In one of the rooms, Dylan finds a dusty mirror and an old book that contains instructions for invoking a spirit that is said to fulfill a wish of the one who invokes. It also specifies that at one o’clock before midnight the one who invokes the spirit must put three drops of blood in the wax of a lighted candle and place his wish in front of a mirror. The spirit will fulfill the desire at midnight if the person invoking it has an iron will...
Read more ...A military convoy carrying packages from Area 51 collides with a car on the highway and releases a human weapon that has been genetically modified using extraterrestrial DNA. This genetically enhanced zombie kills several soldiers and infects two others. These zombies then head to Las Vegas and infect most of the city’s population. The US military is trying to intervene and isolate this threat, but is failing in their mission, so the government has no choice but to intervene with all available forces to establish quarantine throughout the city. Meanwhile, a casino owner and his partner are co-opting former mercenary Scott Ward to recover $ 200 million from the safe before the military destroys the city with a nuclear bomb...
Read more ...Journalist Gerry Fenn is working on an investigation into strange and unusual things. His latest investigation makes him go to Boston where unusual activity turns out to be a teenage prank. As he prepares to leave, he discovers a doll that he is intentionally crushing, unaware that an evil spirit is trapped in it, and it is released with the destruction of the doll. Gerry is later involved in an accident due to a little girl crossing the street. He then follows the little girl, Alice, to a tree, where he found the doll, and hears her say something before fainting. When he takes her to the hospital, he finds out that Alice is deaf-mute and could not speak. Garry decides to stay in town to investigate what he thinks might be a real story, not just a prank...
Read more ...The film debuts as a psychological thriller with the theme of coping with sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, and the nightmares caused by them. Sarah (Julia Sarah Stone) is a college student who spends her nights in parks or at her friend’s house, in restless sleep, haunted by nightmares. The proposal to participate in a scientific study of sleep disorders, which provides him with a comfortable bed, seems to answer exactly the problems he faces...
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