Little Women

For 150 years, the novel “Little Women” by writer Louisa May Alcott has motivated women of all ages to dream together and celebrate the family. A modern account of the classic Roman by the same name, Little Women (2019) follows the lives of sisters Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March on the backdrop of civil war, on their journey from childhood to adulthood. With the help of their mother, Marmee, and while their father is at war, the girls navigate what it means to be a young woman: from brotherly rivalry and first love, to loss and marriage. However, growth sometimes means separation. An aspiring writer, Jo leaves for New York determined to publish a novel. After the project is rejected, the publisher challenges Jo to write about something more interesting: her family. When tragedy brings the sisters back home, solidarity has a new meaning. As Jo eases her sick sister, Beth asks for one thing: a story. Despite difficult times, they cling to optimism and as they mature, young people face flourishing ambitions and relationships, as well as tragedies, while maintaining their indestructible connection.

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