In the movie Creed 2, the illegitimate son of Apollo Creed was found lawful wife of this deceased boxer. After the death of her husband, Mary Anne independently raised his child. At the age of 17, Donny began working in his mother’s prestigious firm in a managerial position. In his heart of hearts, he always dreamed of becoming a professional boxer. Now is the time to realize the dream of a lifetime. A young boy without permission from his mother leaves home to find an elderly coach Balboa.
This former boxer nicknamed Rocky has long retired, but still in demand among professional athletes. The coach took up the education of Donnie. Eventually, he learns that his best boxer, Donny, was the son of a former rival in the Apollo Creed ring. When Creed was brutally murdered right in the ring during the next fight, Rocky became the champion of the title of the best world-class boxer. From that moment, Mr. Rocky Balboa, in retaliation for the death of the enemy, was to raise a new young champion.