Based on the true story of one of the most known and unresolved cases of late, City of Lies (2019) is a provocative thriller that reveals a unique vision of the scandalous killing of the famous The Notorious B.I.G. shortly after Tupac’s death. Detective L.A.P.D. Russell Poole spent years trying to solve his most important case, but after two decades the investigation remains open. Jack Jackson, a desperate reporter to save his reputation and career, is determined to find out why. In search of truth, they form a team and reveal an increasing network of corruption and institutional lies. As Poole rehearses the incredible story of power, corruption and crime, Jackson begins to discover an increasing network of slander and deception. Unwilling to look for the truth, these two determined men threaten to uncover the plot and destroy the LAPD foundation while fighting for their own redemption.