The story set in a post-apocalyptic world follows the parallel adventures of Augustine (Clooney), a lone Arctic scientist and an astronaut aboard the spaceship Aether, trying to return to Earth while Augustine find out in a race against the clock to establish the connection with the ship...
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There is a theory that man is born with a blood alcohol level of 0.05% too low and that if a person would always maintain such a blood alcohol level, his behavior would change for the better. This theory is tested by 4 high school teachers, middle-aged people who have reached a tipping point, with their own problems for which I think this theory is a solution. Everything works at the beginning, which makes them want to go further...
Read more ...The dream of music teacher Joe Gardner (Jamie Foxx) is to become a jazz singer. It’s just that, before he can enjoy the moment that opens this path for him, he has an accident that leads him to an etheric, transitional space...
Read more ...The film tells the story of Nolan, recovering from a car accident in which his wife died. He has amnesia and is struggling to put his life back and take care of his daughter. Nolan’s best friend encourages him to try Dr. Lillian Brooks’ experimental treatments. But the more memories he begins to have, the less confident he feels about himself and who he is...
Read more ...Many companies develop robots that become soldiers, with artificial intelligence that will allow them a certain degree of discernment of their own on the battlefield. The CIA is testing the product of such a company, sending a team of 4 robots to the jungle to destroy some drug dealers. However, in the village that was the target of the robots, there was a former SEAL soldier who was hiding from the past and 6 more American doctors will go on a humanitarian mission. Everything goes crazy when the robot attack strikes, and the 7 Americans and a few surviving locals are forced to flee to save their lives. Realizing the mess they got into, trapping American citizens in the middle, everyone involved wants to erase their footprints, using robots to do so...
Read more ...Proxima follows the story of an astronaut who struggles with commitment to her daughter, while following a terrifying physical training for a one-year mission aboard the International Space Station. The only woman in the program, Sarah trains for her first space mission while trying to control the frustrations of her parent’s life. She lives alone with Stella, her seven-year-old daughter. Sarah feels guilty that she can’t spend more time with her daughter. Her love is overwhelming, unbalanced. When Sarah is chosen to join the crew of the one-year space mission called “Proxima”, this creates chaos in the mother-daughter relationship. As the date of departure approaches, Sarah must travel to the launch site and be quarantined away from her daughter...
Read more ...Dee Dee Allen (Meryl Streep) and Barry Glickman (James Corden) are well-known actors in New York City, but they face a crisis situation: their new expensive Broadway show is a total fiasco that suddenly threatens their careers. Meanwhile, in a small town in Indiana, high school student Emma Nolan (Jo Ellen Pellman) has a very strange feeling: despite the support of the high school principal (Keegan-Michael Key), the head of the PTA (Kerry Washington) takes forbidden to attend the ball with her friend Alyssa (Ariana DeBose). When Dee Dee and Barry decide that Emma’s situation is the perfect time to save their public images, they set off with Angie (Nicole Kidman) and Trent (Andrew Rannells), another pair of cynical actors looking to pursue their careers...
Read more ...After years of peace, after the alien invasion, between humans and alien hybrids, a new virus threatens to return these hybrids to their original nature and fight humanity. Rose Corley is brought to use her powers again, leaving with a team of elite soldiers in space to a planet called Cobalt 1, where there is a piece of an alien ship that is a source of energy that could help to eradicate the virus. The planet is home to alien invaders and seems completely deserted...
Read more ...Through an unseen, incredible connection, an old phone connects over time between Seo-Yeon, who lives in the present, and Young-Sook, from the past. Young-Sook was raised by a stepmother, a shaman, who, having the ability to see the girl’s future, kills her following an exorcism ritual, unaware that the girl had a mental illness and was not possessed, as she believed. Seo-Yeon, with the help of the past, saves his father from death and feels obliged to save Young-Sook’s life. It’s just that the girl’s mental illness from the past is getting worse, and the first crime committed in self-defense awakens the murderous instinct in her...
Read more ...Two husbands, George and Margaret, are hard-pressed when their son dies in an accident. Their son leaves behind a wife, Lorna, and a small child, Jimmy, but the young woman quickly finds another man to marry. Coincidentally, Margaret sees her new husband hitting his stepson and wife on the street, and his concern grows even more when he learns that the couple soon disappeared without saying goodbye, leaving for the husband’s relatives. Desiring to get her grandson back, Margaret decides to go in search of him, succeeding in convincing her husband to accompany her. Things get even more suspicious when they both realize that their husband’s family is well known, but no one wants to talk about them...
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